Baby Care
The Nest is where our babies are cared for. These warm, inviting rooms are designed for babies from 10 to 15 months old. Because we have dedicated baby rooms, they are safe and stimulating, while providing for the practical care needs of little ones.
Before a baby starts with us, we provide up to a two-week settling in, transition period free of charge. This gives parents and baby time to settle on a gradual basis. Some children become comfortable quickly, others take a little longer. Therefore, we work with parents to ensure baby is happy before parents return to work. NCS funding is available.
Our baby rooms have a routine that is developed around the babies’ need for peaceful sleep care, gentle communication, development, nutritious meals and bottle feeding. You will be included in developing your baby’s routine and you will be kept up to date on your baby’s day with access to our Software app free of charge. This allows our team to communicate with parents daily with updates about meals, play, milestones and plenty of photographs.
Our dedicated team, across all age groups, provide exceptional care, with our baby staff being especially focussed on creating a nurturing and responsive environment.